Tree Service

Monitor Trees for Signs of Insects & Disease

The telltale signs of various tree diseases and insect infestations are often most evident in summer. Populations of many types of scales, mites, and aphids are particularly noticeable at this time. Some problems can be spotted and treated immediately. However, when certain insect pests are present and visible, it may already be too late to treat. Even in these cases, learning now that these insects are present is important. You can get a jumpstart on planning for treatments for next year and implement cultural practices, like proper mulching and irrigation, that will keep trees healthier and more resistant to infestation. By regularly looking at your trees you may notice some of the common signs associated with tree pests or disease.

mushrooms growing near the base of a tree

Signs of a Tree Issue

leaf galls
Strange bumps, or galls, on leaves can indicate insect feeding and egg-laying activity.

Discoloration, spots, or bumps on leavesBranch dieback, wilting, or stunted foliageMushrooms or fungal growth near a tree’s trunkDark areas or oozing liquid on the trunk or rootsPresence of defoliating insects, nests or caterpillarsSmall exit holes in the trunk or branchesSap-sucking insects secreting honeydew that leads to sooty mold growthSawdust-like debris caused by wood-boring insectsPremature autumn color and leaf drop
magnolia scale
Scale insects can be difficult for property owners to spot because of their unusual appearance.

Correct Diagnosis is Key

Some symptoms may indicate problems that cause negligible damage and require little to no intervention. Conversely, others may reveal that a serious problem exists or could develop if the symptoms are ignored. Therefore, correctly diagnosing the cause of symptoms is critically important in caring for trees and shrubs.

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Tree Advice

Container Trees: Pretty and Practical

Citrus Tree in Container

Containerized trees and shrubs can add points of interest to patios, decks, small yards and balconies. Just give some thought to selecting the tree, pot and potting soil. Then consider how the tree will be maintained. If container plants are cared for, they can provide enjoyment for decades.

The Plant

Choose a small maturing tree or a shrub species. Dwarf citrus varieties can perform well while providing flowers, fruit and attractive foliage. Cactus and many shrubs can also do well in containers.

The Container

Terracotta pots generally do well on patios and their weight adds stability. Lighter pots are easier to move. However, there’s more of a chance they might get blown over. All pots should have drainage holes in the bottom.

The Soil

Soil needs to drain well but it should also retain adequate moisture. For pots that will not be moved very often, a mixture of sand, soil and organic matter works well. For lighter pots, commercial potting mix can be used. With lighter soil mixes, the plant may need to be protected from being blown over in high wind.

The Growing Conditions

Pots may need to be shaded in summer because high soil temperatures can kill roots. Soil can also be cooled with irrigation. You may need to increase watering in hot, windy weather. A soil moisture sensor can help guide irrigation decisions. Plants that will stay in containers for decades need regular pruning to maintain their size. Root pruning is also beneficial to maintain plant size. Soil nutrient and pH levels should be monitored and deficiencies treated with fertilizer when detected.

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Tree Service

Invasive Shot Hole Borer Affecting California’s Trees

The polyphagous shot hole borer is a recently introduced, non-native beetle that is having a devastating impact on landscapes, forests and agriculture in southern California. This insect pest bores into trees, creating galleries where it feeds and lays eggs. Wood boring insects are known for being destructive to trees as their activity inside the tree disrupts the flow of water and nutrients. The polyphagous shot hole borer is especially damaging because it also introduces a pathogenic fungus that rapidly kills trees.

This pest has dozens of host plants so they are broken down into three categories:

Non-hosts: beetle attacks the plant and is repelled without fungal introductionFungal hosts: beetle introduces the lethal fungus, but does not reproduceTrue hosts: beetle introduces the lethal fungus and reproduces successfully
symptoms of shot hole borer
Small holes surrounded by wet bark indicate a shot hole borer infestation.

True hosts are plentiful and include many native California trees such as coast, valley, and Englemann oaks, sycamore, big-leaf maple, boxelder and blue palo verde. Non-native true hosts in the same region include several other oak and maple species, avocado, coral tree, camellia, acacia and many others.

Infested trees will have multiple small, round entry holes. These holes are often surrounded by white crust, wet bark, or both.

Since management options for this insect/pathogen combination are still being researched, regular monitoring to identify infestations is currently the best course of action. Trees that are severely infested should be removed.


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Tree Advice

Types of Tree Trimming

types of tree trimming, tree trimming types


There are several different categories of tree trimming and knowing which type of trimming to perform can help ensure the tree grows lush and vibrant. It’s always best to call in professional tree pruning services to get the job done. We can get you a free estimate. Many residents in the DFW area give us a call after pruning their trees as a DIY job. This is because they cannot understand what went wrong.

While discussing our tree trimming practices, we use proper and descriptive terminology for describing various techniques used for pruning different parts of a tree.

Crown Pruning

Removing Damaged or Dead Branches

The most common form of crown pruning is removing diseased, dying, dead and visibly broken branches. Our arborists have a keen eye and are able to identify the branches that require pruning just by looking at them. It is quite possible that you may miss these branches if you don’t have a trained eye.

Removing Excess Foliage

Another tree trimming technique involves removal of excess branches and foliage. This is done to reduce the weight of extended limbs and branches and to manage the risk of branch failure. Arborists know the amount of pruning that can be done for a tree. A handy rule of thumb is to never remove more than a fourth of live foliage from the tree.

Removing Potential Threats

Homeowners generally have a good idea about the branches that are a potential threat to signs, buildings, electric wires and other structures. It’s fundamental to identify and remove these branches before they fail completely. Our arborists can diminish hazards by removing poorly attached branches.

Cutting Back Branches

This technique is different from tree topping that involves the removal of a significant portion of the tree. In this structural pruning approach, the arborist will cut high growing branches to lateral and lower growth. This is done to allow the central trunk of the tree to become dominant. There are no large indiscriminate cuts made in this approach.

Specialized Types of Pruning

Maintaining Appropriate Clearance

Trees that are planted too close to buildings or in tight spaces require a special type of pruning to maintain adequate clearance from the buildings. Special clearance pruning is required to avoid maintenance issues in trees planted near patios or other landscaping structures.

Topiary Pruning

This is another form of specialized pruning. Shrubs and trees are pruned to perfection in this type of tree trimming to become more attractive. However, you would need regular maintenance if you are planning topiary pruning in your yard.

Preventing Blocked Views

Sometimes, tree branches become obstructions to views. In this form of tree trimming the tree may be thinned out, entire branches may be pruned, or the crown may be raised.

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Tree Service

Why Hire a Certified Tree Care Expert For Spring Tree Care?

isa certified arborist, spring tree care

Spring tree care is an investment that can provide significant returns and leads. Attractive and healthy trees go a long way in enhancing the appearance of your property and in adding value as well. As a certified tree service in Fort Worth, we can take care of your maintenance and spring tree care needs. Maintaining trees and shrubs requires a certain level of knowledge and expertise.

You could save a lot of time, money, and effort by hiring a certified tree care expert for your spring maintenance.

Highly Trained and Professional

We staff ISA certified arborists and tree care experts that are highly trained and specialized. Our crew is equipped with the proper training to analyze tree related issues and to correct them with proper tree care. Our arborists can do a lot from identifying potential hazards or harmful concerns to implementing the right services to help your trees.

Arborists have the experience to come up with a plan of action that will help your trees and ensure a healthy and happy yard. Not paying attention to sick or decaying trees can eventually cause your other plants to show signs of sickness. It doesn’t take much for pests and diseases to jump from one tree to the next. An arborist will make sure that all signs of damage, decay, and disease are caught early before they can wreak havoc in your yard.

Required Services Provided in a Timely Manner

Spring care is something that needs a lot of time and attention. It is not enough to give your yard a quick once-over. We have a keen eye and enough time and hands on deck to assess the health of your individual trees and take adequate measures to protect them.

As certified tree care experts, we know the kind of services that your trees require for staying healthy and the best way to provide these services. Not to mention, our arborists have experience offering a wide range of care options, such as tree pest control, tree disease control, planting, tree removal, stump removal, and tree trimming or pruning among others.

We are your one stop shop for everything that needs to be done as part of spring tree care. Call today for a free quote: 972-743-9959.

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Tree Service

Is It Time to Call Spring Tree Services?

spring tree inspections, spring tree inspection


Spring is right here and your trees have already started feeling it. This is the perfect time to be considering spring tree services. There are several tree service in Fort Worth, TX that offer everything you could require during a spring tree service. Let Chippers Tree Service prepare your tree for spring growth. We can inspect your properties trees and recommend ways of maximizing their beauty, health, and safety.

Spring is one of the most exciting times of the year for a tree lover. With over 30 years combined experience and cutting edge equipment we can handle all your tree car. Tasks such as tree cutting, pruning, stump grinding can be dangerous if you don’t have the experience or proper equipment to undertake.

Get Spring Ready

There are several things you can do to ensure that your trees remain vibrant, healthy and beautiful in the peak of the spring season. A few of these include:

Conducting an inspection

You should schedule an inspection of your yard and trees by an arborist. You don’t want pests to set up shop in your trees. Here you will be able to find any signs of pest damage, uncovered root systems, and weak spots in the tree. They will also look for other damages that may be hampering growth. This inspection will allow you to understand the things that need to be done for protecting your tree and ensuring a healthy growth system.

Removing dead and dying branches

There are lots of branches on most trees. However, these branches need to be routinely cut back or trimmed to prevent the tree from getting overwhelmed. This is especially true for dead and dying branches on healthy trees. Pruning will ensure the tree keeps growing as it should.

Fixing standing water issues

Standing water can be a problematic issue for any tree. This is especially true for their root system. Early spring is when water could be standing around the tree system. You should have a professional take a look at the tree root system to identify if there is any standing water issue. They will also recommend ways for fixing the problem by installing drainage and other methods.

Keep Your Trees Healthy

You can stay rest assured that your trees will grow the way they are supposed to, throughout the spring and year-round. Damaged and decaying trees can quickly turn into a liability instead of an asset. You can have several issues fixed during spring tree services. This includes keeping pests away, pruning problem branches and ensuring a healthy landscape. The time is now to seek professional services for keeping your trees in the peak of their health.

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Tree Advice

Tree Care: Are You Harming Your Healthy Trees?

harming, helping tree, tree care


Trees tend to have a long lifespan. Some tree species are known to live for centuries while others live for decades. Trees have a life cycle and with the right tree care you can ensure your tree has a long lifespan. Tree trimming is an important aspect of tree care. There are several tree pruning services in Dallas that can make sure your tree grows the way it should.

You could be harming your tree without even realizing it if you are trimming it using the wrong technique or in an improper way. Trees go a long way in adding to the curb appeal to your property and improving its value. You don’t want to lose out on the enhanced property value by having a damaged or dead tree on your property.

It’s important that you let the professionals handle the job if you suspect a tree is coming close to its end. Tree care experts may be able to prolong the life of your tree for a few more years. Or else, they would ensure that the tree is removed from your property in a safe and efficient manner.

How Are You Harming Your Tree?

You may be taking proactive steps to protect your tree, which may in turn be harming it. For instance, you may want to protect your tree with a girdling while you mow the lawn. This may cause bark scrapes to occur. Or, you may be mulching too much or too close to the roots starving the tree of ground oxygen. Some homeowners without realizing get salt too close to their trees during the winter, which can actually shorten the lifespan of your tree.

Other things that could be harming your tree include:

Covering roots

You should not be covering the roots of your trees with decorations, erections, or anything else. The root system is not protected in this effort. In fact, it may be harming your trees more than protecting them. Instead, if you really want to do something for your tree, you should consider putting more dirt over the exposed tree roots. But, you should know that this may cause unsightly mounds and tripping hazards in your yard.

Tying a dog

Trees seem like the perfect spot to tie your dog up. However, tugging, jumping, and rubbing can damage the bark of your tree. This is the first line of defense against pests, elements, and other dangers.

Poor pruning

Every tree care expert knows the importance of proper pruning. You should never attempt to prune a tree on your own. Many people make the mistake of over pruning, which can harm the tree and it can cause more harm than good. So, it’s best to leave the pruning to the professionals.

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Tree Service

How to Prevent Leaning Trees?

prevent leaning trees, leaning trees, save leaning trees


Your trees can develop a lean for a wide variety of reasons. They may not be properly planted or maybe you have been overwatering them which has caused a shallow root system. In most cases, leaning trees right themselves up. However, in some cases you may need the help of a professional tree service in Fort Worth Texas to provide added support to the tree.

There are several steps you can take to prevent trees from leaning. Proper tree maintenance plays an important role in your tree’s health.

Annual Inspection

Texas is known for its storms and bad weather. Heavy rain, ice, high winds and tornadoes are quite common in this part of the country. You need to make sure that a certified arborist inspects and maintains your tree at least once a year. Improperly maintained trees are susceptible to damage from severe weather. Leaning is one of the most common concerns in trees after inclement weather.

A certified arborist would know how to detect structural issues. They would recommend fixes before the tree starts leaning. They can also identify other potentially concerning factors, such as cracked or broken limbs, fungus growth diseases, weather, improper pruning, insects, construction damage, and rot or planting mistakes.

Tree Trimming

Tree trimming is another way to prevent the top from getting too high. Many top-heavy trees develop a lean in high winds because their base is not structurally sound enough. Cutting away a few branches and limbs can cause the tree to become stronger. It will also help in taking away a lot of added weight. Most trees are burdened by dead or decaying branches. Your tree trimmer will remove these branches to allow new growth to burst forth.

Trees that are trimmed are also automatically healthier. They will have a strong and robust root system. This root system is imperative in protecting the tree and preventing it from leaning. Regular trimming makes sure the tree stays upright in safe conditions and gets enough sunshine.

Avoid Topping a Tree

While trimming and pruning are important, you should never top a tree. This is where the top of the canopy is lopped off. This causes the tree to attain an unsightly stump at the top. It creates an unnatural appearance which is susceptible to insects, decay, and diseases. This may also result in the root system becoming weak and the tree to start leaning.

Make Sure the Tree Planted Properly

Improperly planted trees may develop a lean. This makes it important to always plant your trees properly at the right depth. You can get help from a certified tree care expert to understand which tree is right for the existing soil conditions. A leaning tree can cause tremendous problems if not fixed quickly.

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Tree Service

Why Should You Consider Hiring Professional Tree Services?

hire tree services, why hire tree services

It is no easy task to keep up with the ever-demanding needs of a house. There are several DIY jobs you can do around the yard. However, tree services are something that is best left to the professionals. This is especially true for tree pruning service. You should not undertake tree removal or stump grinding on your own as well.

These are a few reasons why you should consider hiring tree care experts to take care of your yard.

Tree Work is Rife with Hazards

Tree work is among the most dangerous chores around the house. You can find it difficult to identify tree hazards especially when undertaking chopping tasks. Most trees don’t show outwardly signs of damage. However, they can still present a danger. An experienced arborist knows the kind of signs to watch out for.

They know which tree is diseased and with what. They know if a tree is decaying on the inside while still looking vibrant outside. You may not realize that the tree in your yard is almost rotted. But, a tree care expert would know that. Often, tree care requires working with overhead power lines or other similar hazards. You don’t want to undertake these jobs on your own.

Professionals Have Deep Tree Knowledge

Different tree species in DFW area have different needs. You don’t just need extensive knowledge of tree biology. But, you also need to have an in depth knowledge of the various techniques in tree care. You may end up damaging the tree if you don’t know what it needs. Sometimes, incorrect care can do more harm than good. Some things are best left to the professionals and tree care is one of them. This is particularly relevant where watering, mulching, planting, trimming, and removal is concerned.

Experience Matters with Trees

There are several tasks that require an experienced tree care expert. Tree removal or trimming is not as easy it looks. There is a lot to it than just sawing off branches. You shouldn’t let a tree branch fall just anywhere. It could cause property damage or personal injury. It takes a certified arborist to understand the nature of a tree and take adequate precautions while performing a task.

For instance, during tree removal the tree care expert would use a combination of ropes and tools. At the same time, while trimming, the professional would know which cuts to use and how much to trim. They will also identify potential signs of injury or damage to the tree. Professionals know how to keep an eye out for insects, pests, infections, and diseases. Improper pruning has been known to kill a tree. Professional tree services will make sure your trees remain healthy and vibrant.

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Tree Service

How to Make Leaning Trees Straight?

leaning trees, leaning tree
Nobody ever wants a leaning tree in their yard. They want their trees to grow tall and straight. This is where tree cabling and bracing comes in helpful because Mother Nature always has other ideas. Wind, snow, rain, and storms can cause the best and strongest of trees to develop a lean. Younger trees are particularly susceptible to tilting and growing in a leaning fashion.

Should You Cable and Brace?

To stake or not to stake is a major dilemma faced by most tree care experts. Arborists believe that trees grow best when they are not cabled or braced. However, there are several circumstances in which guying or staking is the only thing that would prevent the tree from leaning or getting uprooted. You should get a professional in to have a look at your trees to check whether cabling and bracing is required or not. Generally, this method is employed on thin stemmed trees that may bend because of the canopy weight or newly purchased trees that have small root balls.

Straightening a Tree

You would want to stake a tree if you want to support it temporarily. This is until the tree’s natural root system can take over. Never leave cabling and bracing equipment in place for more than one growing season. It’s paramount to bring in a professional for the job since they know exactly how much guy rope or stakes to be used per tree.

This is especially important if working on a young tree with a fragile bark. These barks can get sliced or chafed with the wrong type of rope or guy wire. You may end up damaging the tree beyond repair if you put it through too much distress.

Straightening a Tree by Uprooting It

Homeowners should never attempt to uproot a tree on their own, regardless of how young it is. You don’t want to upset the root system. You may just end up killing the tree in your effort of rectifying its lean. It is always recommended to work with a professional tree care expert in such situations. There are several rules that need to be followed while straightening a tree which has been uprooted.

For instance, you need to make sure that at least a third of the root system remains planted in the ground. Exposed roots of the leaning tree should not be overly damaged and must be left undisturbed. You should remove as much soil as possible from the exposed roots and straighten the tree gently. Replant the tree below grade level and pack the soil firmly. The situation is hopeless if the tree is lying on the ground with firmly planted roots.

The post How to Make Leaning Trees Straight? appeared first on Chippers Tree Service.